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Of Ruskin's View

Of Ruskin’s View
Kirby Lonsdale, Yorkshire

Acquarella sheens her depths of watery greens
Eroding noble brows of sandy banks,
Her varying sheen betrays a silken breeze
On shingled-isles between her silts and strands;
Her grandeur flows in grace and curvature
To undercut where leaning fringes reach;
Her movement glides to woodland overtures,
Repletive slopes, the shaded pebbled beach;
See distant moor lands’ carefree cambers drape
To clustering dells and grazing fields and corn;
Above, against the breeze the Kestrel makes
His steady poise of movement, then he falls
To where, exposed, the cautious rodent stops
Amidst the stubble of his ‘stolen’ crops;
Then lends the passage of a stratus-cloud
Its transient mask, a slowly sailing shade;
The rodent ‘hides’, and I, above his shroud,
Oblivious, share the glory of this day!
