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Memories of Place in Evening Light
6.30pm, 8thApril 2010, Silverdale

“We are leaving now. It’s teatime in Lancashire.
The day you gave will soon distil into the dusk ... going home!”

See, at this time, the wandering estuary and this evening’s wayside sand,
come, to reach a promontory place to ponder while we stand;
look back, and down these paths of time’s embrace
to feel along allusions sparkling strand
sweet evenings’ air upon the face;
A myriad memories infuse
And in this gentle heart
the spirit of the place
where ‘their’ loves mused:
where lips’ gentle kiss, touched…
and shared that lasting magnet of embrace,
here! stilled! such solitudes where their loves met…
in this same balm of sweetness in the evening’s air upon the face…
